Environment and Forest Department of Madhya Pradesh

पर्यावरण और वन विभाग,मध्य प्रदेश सरकार

पर्यावरण और वन विभाग,मध्य प्रदेश सरकार का परिचय

(Introduction of Environment and Forest Department)

The main objectives/areas of interest of the department are:

  1. Maintenance of environmental stability and ecological balance.
  2. Conservation of natural heritage and endowments.
  3. Increasing substantially forest/tree cover.
  4. Meeting the requirements of growing population.
  5. Encourage efficient utilization of wood and to maximize wood substitution. 


  1. Have a minimum of 33% of area under tree cover and 75% cover within hills.
  2. Massive time-bound programme of forestation and tree planting. 
  3. Encourage farmers to practice farm forestry.
  4. Involvement of people in forest conservation.
  5. Encourage efficient utilization of wood and to maximize wood substitution.
